Category: Ideas

Why Brand Stories Succeed or Fail

Why Brand Stories Succeed or Fail

Storytelling, done right, works. Research demonstrates that stories affect us at a deep neurological level.
How Too Many Ideas Can Stunt Your Business

How Too Many Ideas Can Stunt Your Business

Some companies fail to reach their potential, because the entrepreneur is chasing too many new ideas. Instead of dealing with growth, they are launching new ideas.
The 3C’s of Creativity: Consume, Connect, Create

The 3C’s of Creativity: Consume, Connect, Create

Being able to generate ideas on demand is a process. Apply the 3Cs of creativity to increase the quality and volume of your ideas: Consume, Connect, Create.
Harness the Creative Genius of Teams

Harness the Creative Genius of Teams

Every organization has an immense pool of untapped creative talent in its employees. Harness the creative genius of teams to solve complex problems.
Find Your Best Ideas In Nature

Find Your Best Ideas In Nature

Great ideas aren't found in a boardroom. If you're looking for a breakthrough idea get into nature. Get your team away from their desks and routines, and go find a place that feeds their creativity.
Timing Is Everything: Dust Off Old Strategies

Timing Is Everything: Dust Off Old Strategies

A prior failure doesn't mean the idea lacks merit. Timing is everything. Don't let a prior failure hold you back from dusting off and trying the strategy again.
Ideas Are Cheap, Action Is Not

Ideas Are Cheap, Action Is Not

Companies that are propelled to act will always outperform the dreamers and ideators. There's no shortage of ideas in this world. The challenge is finding the few great ones that are aligned with your company's purpose and values, and then ruthlessly implement them.
Great Ideas Don’t Happen At Your Desk

Great Ideas Don’t Happen At Your Desk

Your desk is a crutch. Great ideas happen when you live in the real world. Leave your desk. Your creativity needs a spark to unlock its genius.
The Million Dollar Idea

The Million Dollar Idea

Lots of people have "million dollar ideas," but very few make millions on them. That's the problem with ideas. ...
Blog for leads, write for ideas

Blog for leads, write for ideas

There's something very cathartic about blogging. You can't simply write one article and walk away. Every week you ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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