
The Will to Win: How Great Brands Fight the Status Quo

The Will to Win: How Great Brands Fight the Status Quo

Great brands challenge the status quote, and they fight for it. No one created a great brand by being a copycat. Fight for what you believe in.
Webinar: Build a Brand That Drives Action

Webinar: Build a Brand That Drives Action

On Wednesday, April 20 I am hosting a live webinar with Pardot / Join me for an interactive discussion on how B2B companies engage their customers and grow their brands.
A’s Hire A’s, and B’s Hire C’s

A’s Hire A’s, and B’s Hire C’s

Talent is the great divider of brands. Your organization's ability to attract, hire, and organize talented people is what will separate it from the competition. As Donald Rumsfeld famously said, "A's hire A's and B's hire C's."
Should You Publish Pricing On Your Website?

Should You Publish Pricing On Your Website?

Should you publish your pricing on your website? This is a contentious question, and one without a clear cut answer. Here's the reasons why and why not to publish pricing on your website.
The Possibility of Personality

The Possibility of Personality

Break free of the confines of marketing, and add a human face to your brand. Humanizing your company is an immense competitive advantage. It immediately differentiates your firm from everyone else, because it provides a person who embodies your brand.
Selling Innovation in a Commoditized Market

Selling Innovation in a Commoditized Market

Selling a new innovation or a new concept is hard, because clients are resistant. They don't get it, or they're not prepared to change. So they ply you with platitudes, "This looks amazing, but it's two years ahead of what we need." Or some other compliment veiled as a brush off. The issue is not one of innovation or understanding. This issue is branding. Positioning an innovation requires a different approach.
Marketing as a Percentage of Revenue

Marketing as a Percentage of Revenue

Small businesses are not investing enough in sales and marketing. Treat marketing as an investment. Invest in marketing as a percentage of revenue, and grow it with your business.
Silverline: Growing A First Call Advantage

Silverline: Growing A First Call Advantage

Do your customers call you first when they're ready to buy? Silverline has created a first call advantage. They generate over 90% of their business from referrals from They've created an enviable position as the first call in their niche, and they're growing rapidly as a result.
A Clear Call To Action

A Clear Call To Action

A clear call to action is one of the most important aspects of your website. But it's hard to it get right. Someone stumbles across your website, they find the information compelling, and then ... what's next? Answering "what's next?" can be the difference between a prospect contacting you or having them move on.
Shoot Higher: Is Your Strategy Big Enough?

Shoot Higher: Is Your Strategy Big Enough?

A company must seek to win in a particular place in a particular way. If it doesn’t seek to win, it is wasting the time of its people and investors. What is your company striving to achieve?
Anticipating Trends for Business

Anticipating Trends for Business

Walter Gretzky coached his son to "Skate where the puck is going, not where it's been." The same advice can be used in business. Set your business up to go where your customers are going, not where they’ve been. Let your competitors chase after the obvious. How can you innovate in your industry to find a new niche or category that hasn't been served before?
Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Database

Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Database

Content is cheap. Basically anyone can publish a blog, setup a Facebook Page or post a few tweets. Creating and ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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