Category: Apple

The Seeds of Brand Relationships

The Seeds of Brand Relationships

Lots of companies claim to build strong customer relationships. At least that's what they pitch on their websites ...
Selling On Price Sucks

Selling On Price Sucks

I used to think the best way to increase prices and achieve higher margins was to add more value to my services. I ...
Put Your Money Where Your Values Are

Put Your Money Where Your Values Are

I always get a chuckle when I see an organization's purpose and values postered on their walls. What are they ...
Value Propositions Are Experienced Not Stated

Value Propositions Are Experienced Not Stated

You don't have to tell your customers why they should buy. Let them make up their own minds. The idea of the ...
Your purpose is not complicated

Your purpose is not complicated

Microsoft used to have a great purpose, "to put a computer on every desk and in every home." In 1975, people ...
Making Company Names Memorable

Making Company Names Memorable

There's so much riding on a name. It sets the stage for your brand and your customer experience. Think of great ...
Bringing brands to life with real people

Bringing brands to life with real people

All great stories are based on characters. Characters bring a story to life through their dialogue, their actions ...
The Achilles’ Heel of Branding

The Achilles’ Heel of Branding

Today is August 31. For some it's a month end, and for others it's a quarterly end or a year end. Sales people are ...
Finding what drives your brand

Finding what drives your brand

Why do you do what you do? Think about it. Why do you get out of bed in the morning? Why do you go to work? Why ...
Brand Personalities Sell; They’re Sticky

Brand Personalities Sell; They’re Sticky

Have you ever described someone as "lacking a personality?" As if to say, they were so bland and boring they ...
The Curse of Being “Professional”

The Curse of Being “Professional”

I am tired of companies that want to be "professional."  This is just another way of saying, "I want to be bland, ...
How to do more with less?  Focus

How to do more with less? Focus

Recessions force companies to reset, and do more with less.  As business declines companies have to reduce their ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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