Category: Jeremy Miller

Compound Growth Calculator: How to Double the Size of Your Business

Compound Growth Calculator: How to Double the Size of Your Business

With compounding growth, at at 15% growth rate a business will double in size in 5 years. Here's a simple tool to calculate how to double the size of your company.
How SPAM Got Its Name and How Its Meaning Changed

How SPAM Got Its Name and How Its Meaning Changed

Hormel Foods, makers of SPAM lunch meats, cannot be happy. The name SPAM is now synonymous with junk mail clogging up the internet.
Working with the Wrong People is like Driving on Bald Tires. You get no traction.

Working with the Wrong People is like Driving on Bald Tires. You get no traction.

Working with the wrong people is like driving on bald tires. You can never seem to get traction. Here's how to identify if you have the right people on your team
Salespeople Don’t Create Demand, They Serve It

Salespeople Don’t Create Demand, They Serve It

Salespeople don’t create demand for your products or services, they serve it. Here is why hiring more salespeople may be the wrong strategy.
The Cost of Naming Prescription Drugs Is Insane

The Cost of Naming Prescription Drugs Is Insane

Pharmaceutical companies spend big bucks to name their drugs. Naming projects cost between $250,000 to $2.5 million to create unique brand names.
The Gods Must Be Brands: How Unique Brands and Logos Draw Their Names from Greek Mythology

The Gods Must Be Brands: How Unique Brands and Logos Draw Their Names from Greek Mythology

History is a rich source of inspiration and stories in brand naming. Greek mythology has been a treasure trove of names for marketers to associate with their brands — whether companies, products, or services.
Häagen-Dazs Sounds Foreign So It Must Be Good

Häagen-Dazs Sounds Foreign So It Must Be Good

Häagen-Dazs may sound Danish, but it’s a completely made up brand name from the Bronx. This is a story of a brilliant entrepreneur who understood the power of language.
Nike’s Kaepernick Campaign Is a Brilliantly Engineered Marketing Strategy

Nike’s Kaepernick Campaign Is a Brilliantly Engineered Marketing Strategy

Nike's Kaepernick ad campaign may be controversial, but it's a brilliant marketing strategy. Nike did the math and recognized consumers will reward them for demonstrating a share value.
3 HR Challenges that Derail Every Strategic Plan

3 HR Challenges that Derail Every Strategic Plan

People are the achilles heel of strategic planning. Your best laid plans can be derailed by you and your team. Discover the 3 HR issues that derail every strategic plan.
Content Shock Is a Branding Opportunity

Content Shock Is a Branding Opportunity

Content Shock is changing our consumption behaviors. Instead of subscribing to content, customers are bingeing. Even mundane purchases can trigger a binge, and this is creating a branding opportunity.
From Fad to Brand: How Hula Hoop Captured a Category

From Fad to Brand: How Hula Hoop Captured a Category

The Hula Hoop was one of the biggest toy fads in history. WHAM-O rode this wave, and converted the Hula Hoop from a fad into an iconic brand that's still generating profits 60 years later.
How Hurricanes Influence Baby Names

How Hurricanes Influence Baby Names

There is a curious correlation between hurricanes and baby names. Storms like Katrina, Sandy, and Harvey influence how parents name children.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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